2011년 5월 25일 수요일


Market entry

The following market entry options are recommended for UK apparel companies;

1. Direct import – high marketing positioning
British suppliers who target the premium fashion market should have a 
capable exclusive sales agent/distributor who has an established network with 
key retailers and extensive market knowledge. A long-term perspective and 
reliable partnership between the supplier and sales agents is one of the key 
factors for success. 

2. Brand licensing in Korea
Many international brands are  manufactured in Korea under license. DAKS is one 
example of the license  brand that has been successfully marketed in Korea.  For UK 
fashion companies interested in brand licensing for the Korean market, a trade mark 
registration is prerequisite. Also, if  the  UK  brand owners want to keep a consistent 
international brand image in all export markets, they should give a local licensee clear 
direction on brand positioning, and should pay careful attention to the wording of the 
license agreement to avoid losing control over the brand.

Distribution channel 

Distribution channels for imported apparel are diversifying into flagship stores, 
traditional shopping districts and direct sales. Speciality imported apparel shops are 
selling multiple brands at a cheaper price than department stores. These shops 
continue to the increase in popularity of imported apparel.
  • Department stores
  • Select shops of foreign brands
  • Discount stores
  • Traditional shopping districts
  • On-line shopping (TV & Internet)

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